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Should I Buy A Guitar At The Pawnshop?


BY: STEPHAN BERLET | Custom copy

Yes!!! Buy a guitar from a pawn shop near you.

Musicians are continually selling or trading in guitars so they can upgrade their gear. It is always a great idea to take advantage of their used guitars, which are typically in really great shape when they hit the shelf at the pawnshop. Plus, you will not find better deals on guitars anywhere else, that’s for sure!


If you are still skeptical, let me ease your mind. Pawnshops want a good deal as much as you do. If someone walks into the shop and has a guitar that has seen better days, either they won’t accept it, or the price will reflect the quality. If the guitar is useless and not fixable, there is not a pawnbroker working the shop that would offer a buck for it. It’s that simple, pawnshops simply don’t sell junk.

Now, do yourself a favor and check it out for yourself. If you find that sweet axe you just can’t take your eyes off of, here are a few things you should do before you lay down the dinero.


What does the guitar look like? Take a look at the front, back, and sides of the guitar for cracks. This is crucial because it can make or break the sound of the guitar, especially an acoustic guitar.

Check out the hardware. Tuners, nut, neck, bridge, frets, pickup selector, electronics, and knobs. These are all elements that can cause issues and cost money right off the bat.

Tunability! This is my pet peeve when it comes to purchasing a guitar. I don’t think there is a single more annoying issue to have with a guitar than it going out of tune every two seconds. A simple way to test this out is to make sure the guitar is tuned, then bend those strings a few times and make sure it stays in tune. Trust me on this, make sure that bad boy stays tuned.

How about those frets? A little wear and tear on the frets is normal. Just make sure there aren’t any abnormally large grooves in the fret. This can cause an awful “buzzing” sound while you are rocking out.


It goes without saying if you are thinking about buying an electric guitar or an acoustic with an built-in pickup from the pawnshop - PLUG IT IN!

I know, I know, it’s so pretty. I can see the stars in your eyes. You found that perfect guitar...But does it work when you plug it in? Does it sound good? Does the volume and tune knob work? These are all things that matter. A pretty guitar is nice and all, but all you’re going to be doing with it is sticking it in the corner if she doesn’t work when she’s plugged in. (Yes… all guitars are she’s)


You could go to hundreds of other places to buy a guitar. Guitar Center is incredible, Sweetwater is also pretty amazing but…and this is a BIG but, you won’t find the deals you would at the pawnshop. Not only are the prices lower coming out of the gate, just like everything else in the shop, most of the time there is some wiggle room on the price. That’s good news for you! So, ask for a lower price. Maybe, just maybe that sweet guitar could find a way home with you today for an unbeatable price.

to sum it all up…

Yes, you should consider buying your next guitar from the pawnshop. Come on in, or keep you eyes on the Pull List to make sure you don’t miss out! Make sure you take a close look at the guitar in question. Look for obvious physical issues with it. Oh yeah, if it’s an electric, plug that beauty in and make sure she shreds good and loud. Pawnshops will always offer you the best deal on guitars and you may just be able to get it for even less.

Happy hunting!

This article was written by Stephan Berlet of Custom Copy. Looking for a blog writer? Need copy for your website?

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